We drew Carol's Maydreams Garden fairy doors and Kari and Kija's acorn top magnets on a cookie sheet. Now for the final draw and the winner is...both. I just can't choose! So both entries will receive the selection of books. Just let me know how you want them signed and I'll get them off to you asap. And thanks again to all of you!
I am including some photos of a garden tradition we carry on with our grandchildren. We found these tiny metal mailboxes at Michael's. We've spray painted them in a different color for each grandchild and hid them in appropriate spots in the garden. Asher likes to hide by the Honore Zephrine (thornless, but fragrant rose), Sara May is in love with the giant star jasmine, Ilyahna is wild for our oranges, so their mailboxes were mounted in those areas. Whenever they visit, they check to see if the flag is up, which means the faerie has left a surprise for them. Sometimes the gifts are peanut shell shoes painted silver and gold, acorns fashioned into animals or people, fraises des bois, tiny bouquets in miniature bottles, faerie furniture, mini-baskets filled with mini veggies and fruits, and sometimes even store-bought things.
The best part of the faerie mailboxes is that now our grandchildren leave thank you notes and gifts for the faeries. This is helping to teach them to give back. Such an important lesson for children.
I am sending my fondest wishes to you all and thank you too for all your fabulous personal e-mails. Check the blog next week for the "Food Art" dinner that was held at our friend's house last month.
Green Blessings,