I love the tools of my trade–a drafting table filled with tubes and pots of paint, bottles of ink, an array of brushes, colored pencils, and blocks of thick watercolor paper. Add to the mixture a beautiful Polyphemus moth (which I drew for my new book), feathers, and a dragonfly that I made out of two maple seeds glued onto a twig.
Simple pleasures. I just glanced up and saw this lobster boat hauling traps off our ledge.
Who could ask for more?
Blessings from a little green Maine island,
It is a blessing to do work one loves in a place that delights. Thanks for sharing the view, near and far.
OMG ! I love that moth..He is HUGE!
I have never seen one here in California. Are they only an east coast thing? Is the book almost done? How close are you?
You deserve a break..and it looks like it will be soon....ITALY !
Thank you so much for sharing! I have been a fan of yours for sometime and am exicted that you have another book coming out. I just found your blog and love it. Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your life.
Hi what a lovely place to paint or even write a novel, gorgeous view and wooden desk...Patchworksail
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