Hilda Hamlin became the inspiration for beloved illustrator-author Barbara Cooney's book Miss Rumphius, who was also known as the Lupine Lady. In Miss Cooney's book, we travel the world with Miss Rumphius who finally returns to her family's summer home.
I won't give away the story if you haven't already read it, but I will say that the moral of it is something we should all take to heart. "Do something to make the world a better place." It doesn't have to be something huge like a world summit–it can be something tiny and filled with life and promise like a seed.
Oh, and if you're thinking of being your neighborhood Miss Rumphius, grace your roadsides with native wildflowers. You can access suppliers of annual wildflower seeds suitable for your area by checking into the supply lists of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at www.wildflower.org. They'll list the right species of seeds for your area.
Small Blessings,
Small Blessings,
I could feel my heart leap when I saw that cottage on the shore.
What a dream. Beautiful. A respite from the world.
And what promise...just a seed..to make a difference in this world.
Perfect !
K. Bird
Hi to Jeff.....
One of our favorite storybooks! Thanks for sharing the picture of the picture-book perfect cottage. It fits my image of where a lupine lady would live.
My children were overjoyed to see this post! They are always impressed when a story is true, or at least based on real life.
That was one of my all-time favorite books growing up! And I think probably my dad's favorite to read to me.
That was one of my favorite books as a child and I always thought I want to be like Miss Rumphius when I get old. She was a pioneer guerilla gardener!
Ah it's REAL! I love knowing it/she is/was REAL! How LOVELY!!!!!!! Thank you for this post!
This is so exciting for me! Miss Rumphius is part of my heart. I read it to my children, now young adults.
I am also a kindergarten teacher and I read it to my class every year, on the last day of school. I'm such a fan I have my classroom door painted with the words, "make the world more beautiful".
Thank you for sharing.
This is so very exciting for me!
I read this book to my children, young adults now.
But... to get my Barbara Cooney fix, i read this book to my kindergarten class every year on the last day of school.
I am such a fan, I have the phrase, "make the world more beautiful" painted on my classroom door.
Thank you for sharing!
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