Nature's offerings, from crab shells, pearly mussels, bits of fragile, fern-like algae, rocks, and mermaid's tears, are an integral part of our simple, seaside cottage. Even on the coldest, darkest day, I can look at my bowls of treasures and smell the scent of summer, and see the shine of sunlight on the sea.

What a great picture! Makes me realize that I need to put aside some time to get out to the ocean this fall and collect some more shells and sea glass. Our collection from our summer vacation needs some friends. The boys think finding sea glass is such a great adventure. Although my youngest tends to just pick up lots of heavy stones.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog. You made my day!
I so enjoy you writing and am pleased to read that you have a new book due out next spring. I didn't realize you have a blog but do now so I'll be a frequent visitor. :o)
Thanks again for taking time to stop by Ravenhill Cottage...it means so much to me.
Mermaids tears, what a lovely name for sea glass. I've never heard that before.
Do you know if sea glass is naturally occurring? I'm thinking of the movie "Sweet Home Alabama" where glass was formed when lightning struck the sand on the beach.
I think I heard that of sea glass is made of pieces of broken bottles sanded smooth by the action of the waves.
Just curious.
Mermaid tears - what a great name! I live a pretty sheltered life in Kentucky - I've only visited the ocean twice in my 46 years! I need to get out more!
Marilyn, our sea glass is the result of broken glass that is washed and sanded by the relentless action of the sea against the shore.
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