Here are my dear helpers looking out at you. Patience, the perfect bear, who has been with me for 30 years. Her best friend is Acorn, the small squirrel. Next to Patience is Francesca, who was given to me by a lovely lady in Lucca, who is also named Francesca. On the side is Raggle Taggle, who is missing an ear, but loved completely. Raggle was given to me by Beth Mather of Indiana.
These faithful helpers sit atop my drafting table and watch me (and help me) work. Today they watched as I inadvertently DELETED my blog roll. Help please and send me your blog name to include again.
Happy New Year. Let's hope this is the WORST thing I do this year!
p.s. After the semi-disaster we went to a friend's ranch for a real California New Year's celebration. Here are some photos:

My trusty cake carrier and I depart

We drive through the backcountry to the ranch

Before the lemon cake disappeared
(recipe to follow soon)

Roasting chestnuts

End of a long day for our host
Don't feel bad. One of my blog friends accidentally both her blogs. Completely deleted years of writing.
It makes me shudder to think of it.
Oh no! What a way to begin the year. Cute bunch, though.
You and I just connected, and I'm not sure you had me in your blogroll. But just in case: http://somethingshewrote.blogspot.com/ ;)
Happy New Year!
Looks like you have me in your roll already. Let me know if you need info from me! I predict that this will be your worst problem this year! Happy New Year, Sharon!
Looks like I'm still in your bloglist, so we're good there. On to more important things: When will the new book be released? I'm reallly looking forward to reading it. :)
Hello dear Sharon - thank you for your kind visit and such a warm words that you left at my place.;) Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, but I have been on a short hiatus.;)
I hope you will come and visit again!
Sorry about your blog roll, sometimes the blogger acts up. The cake looks delicious.;)
Happy 2010 to you,
I'm so sorry, Sharon, as I know how much stress this can create! Just 2 weeks ago my design site 'blew up' while I was on vacation and have spent the past week creating a new one (which I like MUCH better - the silver lining, I guess, right?)...and if that weren't enough...my most recent post which was written from my heart thanking all of my readers - magically 'disappeared' along with all of it's photos stored in the library! Scrooge was playing tricks on me for sure.....
Rebecca Sweet is a fabulous gardener, designer, and writer. I met her many, many years ago at my garden shop Heart's Ease in Cambria, California. She was always garden savvy and enchanted. So, I urge you to visit her blog, which is on my blog roll now.
Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit! Love your blog! I will be back.
Happy New Year...sorry for the trouble you've had.. but you did get to eat a great cake! :)
I'm always amazed at the CA countryside. It's so different from the northeast.
I hope you have a great blogging year.
Happy New Year, Sharon!
What a fun way to ring in the new year...love the cowboy boots.
My blog address:
Always love it when you visit!
All the best for you and your loved ones in the new year,
oh, no! I'm www.scatteringlupines.blogspot.com
Your pictures make me homesick for the central coast! The cake looks heavenly! Patience looks like the perfect bear..sweet! I hope the rest of your week is calm and only eventful in a nice way!
I'm glad to see that you managed to get back at least part of your blogroll back.
Thank you for visiting my artjournal, I am SO honored by your compliment, for I am such a big fan of your illustrations too!
Have a great 2010, full of wonderful drawing and painting.
Hi Sharon,
What a sweet bear Patience is, loved seeing her and other friends.
Also I enjoyed looking at earlier posts and what a gorgeous garden you have and love the picturesque view from your windows.
Happy week
I recently purchased your book "Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars" to use in my classroom. I found your blog one day after your "last" letter. I hope that your ideas continue to be shared in other venues as they inspire myself and perhaps others in ways to continue to nurture "wonder" in the lives of young children.
Hello, I was looking for help and your name came up. I live in Sprucehead Maine. I just lost a part of my sidebar with the bloggers I follow. Do you know how to get them back? Thanks for the time yvonne
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