A harvest of autumn treasures from my wanderings
Dear Friends, Happy Autumn! So many wonderful letters, cards and e-mails have made their way into my life. Thank you, thank you. I'll admit that yesterday's e-mail is the reason I am posting today.
"Dear Sharon,
As a teacher and a lover of nature, I find your posts so inspiring! I have missed seeing your lovely posts. Do you plan to return soon? Sincerely, ------- 2nd grade teacher at Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, OR"
I've also received notes from a teacher in Indiana (hi Lori!) and friends from all over the country. Honestly, I didn't realize that so many people still read blogs. I post every day on my page on Facebook, Sharon Lovejoy: Home Gardens Books, and thanks to my granddaughter, who put me on Instagram without my knowledge, I now also post on Instagram under sharonlovejoyauthor.
So, here I am, sitting at my computer and preparing to share, in a single posting, some of my happy and peaceful times in Maine.
Morning from our porch.
When I awaken, I can look through four windows to the sea. I never take it for granted. Every morning I say how grateful I am.
My little studio faces the sea.
Working on spreads for my new book.
Drying pages on the back of the couch.
The screened porch is the perfect work room on a hot day...
...or a cold morning...(which I love sharing with Jeff!)
...or a dark, sea-scented night.
Our supply of hats, walking sticks, and umbrellas stand ready for our hikes all over the peninsula.
You can't see me smiling, but believe me, I AM!
Past the homes of Christmas Cove toward...
...the home of Miss Rumphius...
...and the sandy beach where I find bird hieroglyphics and sea glass.
But we don't just walk during the day. Luckily for us, the night of the fall "Blood Moon" was clear and sparkling. Perfect for a hike to the causeway where we watched the full, autumn moon turn into a brilliant red orb.
The moon rose over the hump of the Pemaquid Peninsula.
The Blood Moon
Watching the transformation of the pearl-like moon into this glowing, red orb felt like magic. I can't imagine how ancient man, not knowing the rhythms of our eclipses, would have felt. Fright?
Many of our friends tried to watch this, but fog or storms stole their views. I feel so lucky to have seen/experienced this phenomenon.
The Lucky Winner is...
The winner of the (long ago) drawing for the Sara Midda book is reader Thea McGinnis, who said, "Toss my name in the hat."

Congratulations, Thea dear! Please send me your address and Workman Publishing will send you your copy of this marvelous book.
Book News
A Blessing of Toads (Down East Books) is available now in paperback. All the inside illustrations are in black and white.
Second printing and hard cover from Down East Books.
Tim and his beloved grandmother.
Above is a peek inside the little rhyming rebus written and illustrated by me.
My 1859 historical, middle grade novel (Penguin Random House) is still available in hardcover, but will be coming out in March 2016 (Yearling) in paperback. I have been so fortunate to do some wonderful book club meetings via SKYPE. The most far reaching was from my favorite Korean teacher, Lily, who joined me in my studio with five of her star students who read and discussed Running Out of Night.
All my books are available from bookstores, on-line, and from me. If you want personalized books for gifts, I am happy to inscribe them.
I am working on several books right now, one of which is a personal journal of Maine and its rich traditions. Stay tuned!
Well, this has gone on and on. Sorry, I still have so many things to share with you, but perhaps you'll join me again for more Maine. In the meantime, visit me on Facebook for a short (almost) daily glimpse at nature and the wonders of life.
Sending love and joy across the miles to you.
Sharon, I've followed your daily posts on FB, but it's lovely to see a brief summary here on one site. Count me among the blog readers out there! Maine was absotively, posilutely beautiful ...
Sharon in Alabama
So glad you posted. Love your FB updates, but I'm a huge fun of blogs. Yours is one of my favorites! :)
Good to see you back. Love the photos. It is heartwarming when you see that someone gets it. Life is all of the simple little things.
Sharon, Bonnie, and dear Aisling,
How wonderful to get almost instant feedback from familiar names/friends. Thank you so much for caring.
Posilutely yours,
That cottage looks to me like heaven on earth!
How wonderful to read and see about your goings on there in Maine. I have missed you and your peacefulness. I'm not on FB.
You are blessed and you bless others. Thank you.
Have a lovely Thanksgiving ~ FlowerLady
What a place..indeed a place to never NOT be grateful..I feel it..Christmas Cove..♥
And Miss Rumphius' home♥
I love that book..A friend recommended it to me.
How nice to wake up and check my blog list and see your post!... your quiet, peaceful time in Maine is so inspiring and beautiful... I lingered over each and every photo, imagining I was there... I especial love the photo of the porch on the "sea scented" night... so happy to see all of your wonderful books doing well... and cannot WAIT for your new one all about Maine, I have never been there... but feel as if I have as I read this post... also love your umbrellas, hats and walking sticks for your ventures into Nature, and yes, I can tell you were smiling the whole time!... love to you cuz, xoxo... Julie Marie PS Hello Jeff!...
More Maine please!! Reading your post is like sitting with friends and a cup of a coffee - lingering over treasured conversations. Miss Rumphius - my own crop of lupines took over the herb bed this summer and made it possible to share with others when divided.
Please share more of your Maine adventures!
Sooo happy to see you post again, ~ I indeed still love to read blogs (and secretly avoid Facebook) ~ and I will be waiting hopefully to see/read your Maine Journal when it's done! Maine is SO beautiful, isn't it? :) Melody
Omgosh! It's my lucky day ! Thank you and God bless !
Your beautiful pictures and words speak to my heart! ♡ Thank you.....
Yes, we still read blogs. I know it doesn't possible, but.... Thank you for this sweet glimpse into your life. I didn't know you are on Instagram. I'll go follow you. Love, Dee
I love your blog,!! SO HAPPY to read long story and follow you where you took us to feel with our hearts. Children and I are inspired by your beautiful mind and kindness. Thank you dear Ms. Sharon. Sending Love from over 5,000 miles ♡
It is so wonderful to hear from all of you. Voices (beloved voices) from the past and future too.
Thank you, thank you. I love your comments. Lily Kim, I owe you a letter. My Grandmother Lovely had a sweet potato vine that lived for years and traveled about 25 feet around the bookcases, windows, etc.
You stay busy with your writing. I assumed that that was what kept you from blogging. Writing is far more important than blogging. Yours will be a wonderful voice of Maine in the long tradition of those writers from your corner. Looking forward to it. (Loved the photo of pages drying along the back of the sofa.)
Hi dear Vee,
I really have been out of step with my blog friends, but I have checked on you and ran into the no comments or no reply thing. I do know what is going on with you (whatever you WANT us to know).
sending a warm hug and thanks so much for the visit!
Such a wonderful place to live! Love all the photos. Have a lovely Thanksgiving! Kit
hi honey,
funny to come here on a morning when i've been thinking about the state and future of my blogging life.
first to say, these colors and words of your maine life are a treasure to witness. how utterly beautiful. i think i am going to have lobsters with you next summer. i just have a feeling…. :^)
about blogging: what an impact it's had in my life. it seems like the days of deep connections and new friendships from it have passed on to a simplified version of Facebook et al, but i will love the blogs to my dying day. i've never let it be a chore or obligation. even now, even when i'm infrequently here, i come with free joy!
plus, i met you here. that's no small matter.
love love
Greetings Sharon! Imagine the surprise I felt to "check in" and found that you had found my email an impetus to write again on your blog. I will have to share this with my 2nd graders as their are learning to write letters and to demonstrate the power of one! :-) The photos you have taken in Maine are lovely and so inspiring as we begin experiencing the colder winter temperatures. I also learned from your response that I should leave a comment rather than swiftly exiting your blog site. Thank you again for sharing your inspiring posts, photos, and videos.
Best, Janet
Dear Janet,
Yes, you were the impetus! I truly believe in the "power of one" and love it that you can give that hope to your second graders. Sometimes the individual power, the focused energy is even more powerful than that of a crowd. It is as if the quiet voice can be heard, understood, and appreciated.
Sending good thoughts your way and YES, do leave a comment. I know I have many visitors to the blog every day, but they don't leave comments. It is somewhat like tossing a stone into a pond, but never seeing a ripple.
All joys to you and keep up your important works.
To my friend KJ,
We DID meet through our blogs, which I think was a circuitous route from our love for Lori Ann Graham. Right? I adore her too and always feel such a connection to her instagram and posts.
KJ, I promise to do an occasional posting if you do too.
Summer. Lobsters. Black, starry skies, YES!
Your blog is such a wonderful gift, when you find time, energy and inclination to add to it. Thank you!
Kristi, So good to hear from you. Sorry I take so long, but I do miss hearing from friends and catching up.
Happy New Year, At last snow in Maine. Guess you are out of Maine. yvonne
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