The cold, wet weather finally turned, and we have our typical Dog Days (aka tomato days) of summer coaxing plants and vegetables into production. I love to visit the small gardens of Stonewall Kitchen in York, Maine any time of year, but especially now, when the gardens are at their best.

Next spring, I am going to use this corn to make a whimsical hide-out in my backyard.

Stonewall's cooking classes ( are held in this great room with every imaginable convenience. Their schedule this time of the year is jammed with great classes taught by their knowledgeable staff or guest chefs. I wanted to attend the line-up of classes during Julia Child Week, but they were sold out.

Friday is Market Boat day at Christmas Cove.

I tote my basket to the town landing and wait for the sound of David Berry's old school bell.

The brass bell once belonged to his grandmother, and David uses it to signal to the shoppers that he is on his way. Soon his Long Island Sound oyster boat pulls up to the landing and I fill my basket with his great offerings.

In honor of Julia, I'll just sign off with bon appétit!
My goodness Sharon, where do you live? It's beautiful! I absolutely love your illustrations, happy to have dicovered you through Susan Branch, look forward to keeping up with your're welcome to drop by mine for hot coco anytime! :)
Wow...that Stonewall Kitchen garden is amazing. I lOVE it...
But, well, the market boat, how can you top that....
Planning a special dinner here tomorrow night..right out of "Mastering The Art"
Bon Appetit
Ooooh! That IS beautiful! Look at those gorgeous tomatoes! SO glad that you're having a good time there, but looking forward to catching up with you in person.
Beautiful photos, Sharon! I love that corn!
I need to give credit where credit is due. Some of the time I do the photos and other times Jeff does. Call this a family endeavor.
Sharon, I just wanted to tell you that I loved reading about your mother and nonie's recipe box and aprons, what a lovely tidbit. Warmed my heart.
xo Dawn
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