We trudged through the cities and villages armed with my friend Alexa Barre's invaluable maps and critiques of the best restaurants and Rick Steves' Guide to Italy 2009-and what did I focus on? Door knockers. I love them. They are so enticing and can be indicative of an area or the people who live inside–wondering what those two suspicious Americans are doing lurking outside their door.
Magliano Sabina
Teaser for the next blog entry. What is Sharon doing? (This is from Jeff)

Buona notte!
Wonderful! I especially love the hand holding the wreath. What a beautiful idea.
That's the one I loved too...the hand holding the wreath....
Has the blarney stone moved to Italy?
NOPE on the Blarney Stone. I'll explain tomorrow, but hey, good try.
That is my dear pal Kim Moreno with her husband Ralph. We were childhood friends and now belong to a group of 6 called the Fab Fems (aka the Slumber Sisters). We set up a rendezvous in Lucca and were so excited to see each other. I think we screamed and embarrassed our husbands, but not ourselves.
More later.
I love door knockers as well -- Linderhof has a great one on it's front door and we've brought home a really great one for a garden gate -- but no one's used it yet!
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