Thought for the day
"The man who does not know nature, who does not walk under the leaves as his own roof, is partial and wounded."
Winter Hours
Mary Oliver

Took this photo through my bedroom window (sorry about the screen)
I had to stop midstream and run back out to the goldfinch feeder where a few dozen American and Lesser goldfinches were setting up a hue and cry which translated to "more nyjer seeds!" and there was no mention of "PLEASE" in their conversation. I filled the tube feeder to the top, dodged the worst of the off-the-roof waterfalls, and hung it back on its hook under the arbor. I love whistling to these little visitors, who faithfully call back to me as they leave their perches on the leafless Brown turkey fig and flock to the swaying feeder.
I am so happy to have this rain soaking everything. I imagine the tiny seeds swelling below me, slowly opening, then poking their first tentative leaves into the light. In anticipation of the recent storms, I broadcast a pound of California wildflower seeds along the pathway leading to our doorway. What could be a better welcome mat for friends? The first to emerge were the dime-sized silver-blue doilies of native poppies. Next came the pinked leaves of baby-blue-eyes, clarkia, and a host of younglings, small as pins and impossible to identify for another week or so. I will watch their progress daily, but for now, I am just grateful for the blessing of rains.

The pathway to my front door. Wildflower seeds are sprouting along the way. My herb and potting shed is on the left

Terrace where I do my potting

My potting bench and supplies-to the right are my wash-tubs, which we discovered in Illinois on our trip east to Maine. I fill the right side with potting soil.
P.S. My Grandmother used to sing this little song to me on rainy days when we went outdoors to search the sidewalks for worms.
When fishes set umbrellas up
and when the raindrops come,
Lizards will want parasols
To shade them from the sun.
Okay, I'm Sharon's biggest fan and proud husband. Sharon wouldn't post this, but I will.
We just received notice that Sharon's newest book Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars received an iParenting.com Media Award for 2010.

iParenting.com is part of Disney Online’s network of family-focused web sites devoted to the entire family lifecycle. iParenting Media Awards is committed to helping businesses by promoting winning titles to consumers, retailers, the media and to the editors of Disney Online properties including Disney Family.com, FamilyFun.com, Kaboose.com, BabyZone.com, PregnancyToday.com and BabiesToday.com.
Guess who's buying whom dinner tonight?
Okay, I'm Sharon's biggest fan and proud husband. Sharon wouldn't post this, but I will.
We just received notice that Sharon's newest book Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars received an iParenting.com Media Award for 2010.

iParenting.com is part of Disney Online’s network of family-focused web sites devoted to the entire family lifecycle. iParenting Media Awards is committed to helping businesses by promoting winning titles to consumers, retailers, the media and to the editors of Disney Online properties including Disney Family.com, FamilyFun.com, Kaboose.com, BabyZone.com, PregnancyToday.com and BabiesToday.com.
Guess who's buying whom dinner tonight?
Dearest Sharon
Thank you so much for sharing these lovely photos, especially the one of the hummingbird, that is truly wonderful.
Thank you for stopping by my blog again and telling me about Much ado books,I shall look them up
Love Morwenna xo
I love the dappled light on your terrace. Thank you for letting me linger there for a while with you!
OMG Sharon,
YEs!! I need to be there right now, Maine can wait until summer! It's just so gorgeous, your plants look outstanding! That pretty path, another Storybook Cottage! Sigh. I love it! Cindy
Hello Sharon,
Those finches know the minute the nyjer seeds are gone at our place. Reading and enjoying a book you may have heard of, Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars. It's just wonderful! Also love your hummer photo. xxoo Nancy
What lovely, peaceful grounds. It looks very restful. I could be happy just living in the potting shed! :)
Beautiful, beautiful post! I am an avid gardener and I can so relate to everything you say. Oh, I can not wait till spring arrives again.
Such pretty pics. I plan to come back today to read more of the text here ... I have a busy morning ahead - but wanted to stop in & encourage you to indeed try that crock-pot cake!! ... and thanks to your commment, I gotta try bbq cake!! :) Whooda thunk it?! And individual cakes in mugs?? How fun! I imagine that being the gardner you are, you could even bake them in flower pots too?? hmmm....I wonder.... ;)
It must be the day for me to find bird stories...just read at Red Pine Mtn. about a chickadee rescue and now I get to see hummingbirds! Lovely pics of your potting area too.
Pam @ New England's Narrow Road
but I might not be allowed to sign in under that - I have difficutlty sometimes and show up as seashellsbymillhill.
Thanks for sharing your bird story with us. You have such a beautiful garden and walkway area. Oh, how I long for warm days (It is bitter cold in Michigan today)!
I also loved the photo of your old books...nothing like the feel and visuals of a well-loved book.
Mary :o)
Your property is so beautiful Sharon..you have your own nursery going on there! :)
It's always such a pleasure to see your pictures and read your words...
Love, Dawn
My dear Dawn, this is the quiet time in "the nursery," but it really gets crammed in the spring.
I live in a tiny house in a good neighborhood, but we live in the worst location possible. Right alongside a highway that only quiets during the night. But my Jeff said, "You're always preaching about planting and making your own Paradise so do it!"
Think about it. Margaret Wyse Brown lived in "Little House" on Manhattan Island. Just surrounded by huge, huge, buildings.
Wow Sharon, what a heavenly oasis this is! I have popped in for a cup of tea to take out into the garden and am delighted a paused at the computer to discover you!
Everything here looks wonderful so I am going to have a lovely read of you this evening! Really looking forward to it!
Sarah x
I want to visit your garden! What a delightful place!
I just ordered a copy of Toad Cottages from Amazon!
Loved visiting your home. Made me think of Spring and the new gardens I will be planting. I would love to have some washstands like yours. Congratulations on your new book.
Congrats Sharon! I am savoring my copy, reading a couple of pages a day! Love all your darling illustrations!
MR here, iParenting award! Hooray, hallelujah, three times round amen! Couldn't be more excited.
Congratulations on this so well deserved award(s)! this book is on my wish list, perhaps it will be at the book signing on february 20th? hopefully i can get it then.
♥ lori
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